
Leslie Margolis Artworks
inside and outside the box

Leslie Margolis

Leslie Margolis

Leslie Margolis

Leslie Margolis
Leslie Margolis' CHILD'Z PLAY is designed to spark IMAGINATION in viewers of every age. Her Assemblage pieces promote thought-provoking narrative, hands on discovery and shared family fun. Leslie's goal is "Interactive Learning" that says "Please Touch!"

Leslie Margolis 2009 oil on linen 24" by 18" by 3/4"

Leslie Margolis 2013 oil on wood 20" by 16" by 1.75"

Leslie Margolis Oil on Canvas 2008 16" by 12" by 1.75"

Leslie Margolis 2009 oil on linen 24" by 18" by 3/4"
Leslie never envisioned being an artist, much less a portrait painter. Then she met portrait artist / master teacher Cheryl Kline and thought "go for it". Here's what has come from embracing change.

Leslie Margolis Acrylic on Canvas 2007 24" by 30" by 1 3/4"

Leslie Margolis

Leslie Margolis

Leslie Margolis Acrylic on Canvas 2007 24" by 30" by 1 3/4"
Though Leslie has been to Africa 8-times, and spent 8 1/2 years living in Switzerland, she now tends to limit her travels. No matter, where or when, the beauty of nature forever enriches her life's journey.

Still to be written her life's journey.

amazing m.o.m.a
During a visit to New York's Museum of Modern Art , Leslie was fascinated by a George Segal-like statue standing in a window across the Atrium. When the statue starred back, and then moved, Leslie laughed. This moment led to the creation of Amazing MoMA, a series of acrylic paintings and/or graphics that offers visitors a child-like take on the museum experience.